Welcome to the Marriage UpGrade


The place for Christian POWER couples to upgrade their marriage to the next level of BETTER.

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>>Click HERE to join the VIP list and access special bonuses during enrollment.


Your marriage is about to get so much BETTER.


Expect to improve the way you treat each other as partners.

Expect to communicate with more calmness, kindness, and respect.

Expect to feel deeply connected and loved well.

Expect to become THAT couple God created you to be.

Expect a full-scale UpLevel.


In how you see yourself.

In how you see your spouse.

In how you see your life together as a couple. 


The Marriage UpGrade is here.


Better communication.

Deeper connection.

Greater unity.

More passion.

Elevated thinking. 


It’s not just another group coaching program – it’s you learning the mindset, skills, and tools to create a marriage that's just as exceptional as the rest of your life.


Welcome. Come inside.




This 6-month program provides you with dynamic teaching, coaching, and challenges to shape the way you think, feel, and show up in your marriage as individuals and as a couple. 


Your mindset is the foundation for everything you do and the process inside of The Marriage UpGrade focuses on inside–out transformation.


We start with your identity – how you see yourself and the relationship you have with YOU.


Next we build to how you see your spouse – what you believe about them, how you understand them and interpret their words and actions in the marriage.


Then, we work to bring you together as a cohesive team – supporting each other in the growth and changes that will be necessary to create your fully upgraded marriage.


The goal is not just to change your experience in the marriage, but to change the marriage itself


Tangible improvements that are obvious to you both.  


That is the power of doing this work together.

Book an Info Call




Immediately upon enrollment you have access to The Marriage UpGrade Course, which is a 10-session interactive video classroom with Dr. Chavonne. 

Modules cover:

  • how to operate as a team
  • the mindset to achieve any goal you have for your marriage
  • the foundational principles to improve your communication and deepen your connection

Worksheets and discussion guides to help you and your spouse have productive, solution-focused conversations where you BOTH feel seen and heard.

Dr. Chavonne then walks you through the rest of the Marriage UpGrade Process



 2-Day Couples Retreat

Dates: Spring 2025

Northern New Jersey 

Theme: The 3-Step UpGrade


Get away to an upscale environment. Unplug from your daily life and focus on YOU as a couple. Meet and connect with other people in person.

During these 2 days, you will learn the foundational principals to upgrade your marriage in the areas of communication, connection, being a team, and intimacy.

The event includes highly interactive games, engaging group discussions, intimate conversations with your spouse, skill-building exercises, mindset coaching, a romantic time together and more.

You will bond as a couple, and be surrounded by other couples working on the same things in the most safe and supportive environment you can imagine.


Hear from Kim and Adrian


6 Months of Continued Support

Build skills and receive additional support to maintain positive change

Interactive Workshops 


Each workshop includes a teaching component, guided conversations for you and your spouse to have together, as well as time for Q+A and coaching on the content covered. You will walk away with new insights, information and skills that you can apply right away to improve your communication and connection. 

Example topics include:

  • Navigating conflict
  • Making requests
  • How to have difficult conversations
  • How to actively listen
  • Creating emotional safety
  • Reigniting desire and passion


Personal Challenge

In this program, you will learn to identify the specific actions you need to focus on to make your marriage better by participating in a challenge. You will self-select the specific actions you want to take (or refrain from) for the week and set a concrete goal for yourself. At the end of each challenge, we will celebrate your accomplishments and problem-solve any issues that got in the way.

Example challenges include:

  • No complaining
  • Giving compliments
  • No arguing
  • More sex
  • Prayer
  • Love letter

Group Coaching

These group coaching calls will be the place you come to work through any barriers preventing you from making the progress. We will coach on topics like managing emotions, communicating effectively, resentment, triggering moments, how to think and respond to situations, and whatever other issues are presented. 

During these calls, volunteers will raise their hand for coaching, present their topic, and be coached live, directly by Dr. Chavonne. This experience allows for everyone to receive coaching as you either listen and apply what’s being said to your own issues, or receive direct coaching.


Virtual Date Nights

The Virtual Date Nights are romantic evenings facilitated live by Dr. Chavonne to help you and your spouse deeply connect, have fun, and increase your emotional intimacy. You can set the scene in your home, or location of your choice to create a wonderful evening together. What happens after that is up to you!  


Self-Care Sessions

Self-Care Sessions are focused on reducing stress and overwhelm, building self-confidence, and mastering practices to create calm in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life. These will be fun and relaxing experiences to help you decompress – come in your favorite comfy robe, blanket or socks and enjoy being pampered with the group.

Private Community

The Marriage UpGrade includes a private community for 24-hour support and community accessible only to the couples enrolled in the program.

You can celebrate your wins, post your questions, and receive on the spot help.

The group will be moderated by Dr. Chavonne and a program manager.

Participation in this group is optional.


Program Extras

In addition to the live event, and 6 months of experiences, there are other bonus materials available to you.

Video Library of Resources – instant tools and how-tos at the click of a button

Prayers and Meditations – immediately access calm and grounding words when you are having a hard time

Conversation Guides – step-by-step guidance for what to say and how to say it.  

Gender-Specific Calls –As men and women, sometimes your need for support look different. These calls address those needs.


Can’t make all of these experiences live? No problem. You’ll still get the full experience and all that you need. Everything will be recorded and made available to watch in replay within 48 hours.

 This experience will set you up for a better marriage now and 40-50 years into the future. 

It’s an experience that will give you a return on the marriage you’ve already invested in. 

You’ll walk away with so much more than what you came with.


This is the “after” you’ve been looking for.

"Why they signed up..."





The Marriage UpGrade is a perfect fit for you if:


  • You are committed to your marriage and want to experience all God has for you together as a couple

  • You want to find ways to work through your differences productively instead of allowing them to create distance between you

  • You are willing to take responsibility for your role in any issues and focus on improving yourself before trying to change your spouse

  • You are open to learning and applying new behaviors that make your marriage easier and create a better experience for both you and your spouse

The Marriage UpGrade is not a great fit for you if:


  • You are only interested in blaming your spouse and unwilling to make changes within yourself

  • You are unwilling to do things differently for the sake of your marriage

  • You are closed off to constructive feedback and learning new skills

  • You and your spouse are already separated or seriously considering divorce*

  • There is or has been repeated infidelity*

  • There is any form of abuse in the marriage** 

*1:1 Private Coaching with Dr. Chavonne will be a better fit.

**If this is your experience, please seek the help of a licensed therapist.

If you have any questions about the fit of this program for what you are working on, please reach out to our team directly at [email protected]




Here’s the promise: 

When you follow the process outlined in this program consistently and whole-heartedly, you will ...

  • Reduce the amount of time you spend arguing and being in conflict with each other
  • Disagree in a respectful way, and without saying mean and hurtful things that hit below the belt
  • Stop blaming each other, and take ownership for your part in any issues  
  • Stop feeling so negative and resentful toward your spouse
  • Be less triggered and able to keep yourself calm when expectations are not being met
  • Have the tools to communicate more effectively, and recover quickly when disagreements happen 
  • Operate more like a united team, supporting each other in ways that matter most 
  • Be able to have difficult conversations in a way that is forward, solution-focused, not past, problem-focused
  • Start to have more fun together as a couple and genuinely enjoy each other’s company 
  • Create more family memories and model a healthy marriage for your children
  • Be more affectionate and playful with each other
  • Have more physical intimacy and better sex 
  • Experience more love, appreciation, understanding, and respect from your spouse


 Access to ...

  • LIVE, 2-Day Couple's Retreat
  • Monthly Workshops
  • Group Coaching Calls
  • Personal Challenges
  • Virtual Date Nights
  • Self Care Sessions
  • The Marriage UpGrade On-Demand Course
  • Private Community of Support
  • Video Library of Resources
  • Prayers and Meditations
  • Conversation Guides
  • 21 Day Daily Coaching Sprint


Investment: $5,000 per couple (pay in full)

or Pay $1,000 per month x 6 months







Want to join but have questions? Book your initial consultation call HERE 


Dr. Chavonne


Hello there, I’m so glad you are here considering this program. 

You are in good hands. For the past 20 years, I have studied, created, and designed programs to help people have healthy, happy relationships.

I’ve coached countless couples and individuals to have better marriages by working on their communication, deepening their connection, and improving the way they see themselves and each other.

This work is my passion. It is a gifting from God.

What I’ve created for you represents the best of the best. The best tools I’ve used with my private coaching clients, the best thinking from the best marriage experts, the best insight from my guide, the Holy Spirit, and the best of me and my desire to serve you.

Welcome to The Marriage UpGrade. Let’s begin.




Mark + Diana


Barry + Dielle


Frequently Asked Questions